Thursday, July 5, 2012


There are times when I wonder if people really know what this movement is about and do they really get it? My desire is to communicate with clarity and conviction that this movement is for a niche of women who need encouragement, support, resources, and tools to make their ideas happen.  Some may question "why women" or "why ideas"? Both of are connected to my story. If you go back and read my early posts, I think you'll get a sense of why I am so compelled to remain faithful to this niche. I believe that there are so many women out there like me who just need a little push.  A little word of encouragement.  A little spark.  A little peek into the unknown.  I hope these women are saying to themselves, “If Zoe is pushing forward her ideas then so can I.”
What started as a verbal affirmation is evolving into a conduit of support. As time goes by and the more I learn, I see this movement becoming more than what I ever thought it could be.  There’s just something about being in this mode of pushing ideas forward. I see possibilities. I see connections. I see things that I've never seen before.  This isn’t to say that I got it all together or have all the answers.  I get bogged down with my tendency to over analyze situations. I get distracted by my life. I get discouraged when things don’t go as planned.  I hate it when people are mean and find myself channeling Rodney King, “Can we all just get along?” (That’s a lot to carry, but I do and it gets heavy sometimes…anyway).  Despite these hurdles, there’s something that keeps me pushing forward. It’s inside of me and it won’t go away.
I don’t know why I started this post like this. It’s not what I intended to write about initially. I guess when you have something on your heart, no matter how hard you try to ignore that issue it’s bound to come out. Thanks for listening to what's on my heart. Now let me tell you what's on my mind.


This post is really about a new tool that I found that really excites me. It’s a technique that can be used to address 2 of the Essential Actions of Challenge Me to Grow
It’s called Starbursting and it provides a framework for questioning your idea (or issue, problem, challenge, etc.).  The key to the technique is generating as many questions as you can about your idea without answering them. It’s supposed to help you understand the scope of your idea more fully. Learn more about the technique by clicking here: Starbursting - Brainstorming Techniques from
I haven’t used it yet, but you know I will. And when I do, I will share my take on it. If you use it, please share your take too because I would love to hear how it helped you push your idea forward.

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