I'm torn with expressing discontentment because it feels like I am whining. I hate whining and for the most part, I am not a whiner. I really don't have anything to whine about! I just got something going on inside that makes me feel like being a little whiny baby right now. That whiny baby in me says:
Maybe it's that notion of perfection that keeps peaking its head around the corners of my mind. Or could it be that challenge of time that I keep racing against? It could also be that bomb of impatience that keeps exploding in my soul. It's hard to ignore those relentless imps, my weaknesses and failures, that constantly remind me that they are real and that they exist.
Jeesh! I had to get that out! My main goal in all of this is to be encouraging to others. Looks like today I need some encouragement myself. Thank God I know where to push forward and go for the encouragement that I need! I'm out!
It is ok to whine sometimes because it is the cleansing and clarity that things need and will change. I've doing some myself, but working towards a solution and letting go and letting God handle it and that is the hardest part. Settle into the problem because if it comes around again it will not have the same influence, You were designed specifically to overcome, and move forward...Gonegirlgo