Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Isn't it amazing the number of seasons we go through during our lifetime?  From the womb to the innocence of childhood, then onto the adventure of adulthood – life is a truly amazing journey. Like I’ve said before, life is fun but hard and I am convinced that in order to fully experience all that life has to offer, you have to have both. The hard parts of life should challenge you to grow.

Recently I have been in a constant cycle of being challenged to grow.  Shifting my career focus has challenged me to grow.  Being a parent to older children has challenged me to grow. Working in an actual office has challenged me to grow. Wrestling with relationships has challenged me to grow. And of course, pushing forward GoneGirlGo has challenged me to grow.


In another season of life, being challenged to take what started out as a simple blog to another level. This territory is VERY unknown to me. I'm a fish out of water, but I'm determined to figure it all out. I will be launching very soon. I’m nervous, satisfied, overwhelmed, and curious all at the same time.
  1. I’m nervous because I’m new to all of this and I know that I will make some mistakes.
  2. I’m satisfied that I haven’t reached my destination yet, but I have embraced where I am on this journey – the beginning.
  3. I’m overwhelmed because I have to work a 9 to 5 in order to keep pushing this movement forward.
  4. I’m curious to know what is right now unknown. I'm curious to know how you will receive

I'm packing my bags and getting ready
to move to a new site. 
You can help me deal with all of these emotions by doing me a favor.  I created a brief survey to get your feedback about Your comments on the blog, Facebook and Twitter have meant a lot to me. I want to make sure that I keep listening to what you say.  Click here to complete the short survey.

I will keep you posted on the move of GoneGirlGo to its new home. It will be within the next couple of weeks. I really want you to continue the journey with me so that we can keep challenging each other to grow. 

As always, peace.


  1. Gonegirlgo challenged the way I saw myself. I became more confident in doing the gifts God gave me. I went from thinking only others could be successful and live an abundant life to believing I have the power within me to do it.

  2. Vanessa, I am grateful that GoneGirlGo challenged you to grow because if it hadn't, I wouldn't have been challenged myself. Keep growing and pushing your ideas forward!!
