My one wish throughout the development of this movement has been that it would profoundly impact women. I haven't conducted any research or taken any polls, but based on the feedback that I have been getting on Facebook and Twitter, gonegirlgo is creating a little stir in my itty bitty corner of the universe (or so I believe). There's energy, momentum, and lots of excitement pushing the movement forward. It's amazing how my conversations with others about the movement radiate this energy, momentum, and excitement. It cracks me up thinking about conversations that I have had with different women about their ideas which end in the final, conclusive statement, "gonegirlgo!"
But what is even more meaningful is the effect that the movement is having on women who are close to me. My mom and I have been connecting more deeply. So have me and my sister, Missy. The movement has widened the door for me to connect with my oldest daughter, Imani who at the tender age of 22, is establishing her identity and exploring her possibilities. We talk a lot about the ideas that she wants to execute. She's determined to push forward a project showcasing her artistic talents. What that says to me is that this movement is for women of all ages. That's the target audience - women of all ages.
The other day, Imani shared with me an Instagram message that she posted. I was so touched by her honesty, clarity, and determination to define her movement. She's living the gonegirlgo life too and I wanted to share this snapshot of her story that is just beginning. Check out my boo:
When Imani shared with me her desire to become a great makeup artist, I will admit that I was a little disappointed. I wanted her to take the road that I took. I wanted her to conform to my expectations. At some point, I realized that I needed to let her push forward and go. It was hard, but very necessary. She is pushing forward so that she can go impact her world. I'm proud of her and that's cool with me.
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