Monday, April 16, 2012


It's been a while, I know, since I last posted something on the blog. Being a consistent blogger is a challenge, especially when you are trying to maintain a bias toward action.The movement is not gonegirlwrite. (It could be though, now that I think about. You make meaning of this movement for yourself. Your "go" is action - whatever that action is supposed to be then go ahead and do it!) Anyway, I wish I could write all day long, but at some point, I have to execute; I have to push forward and go. 

So I am executing this thing, right? I've married the movement with my purpose and passion which has resulted in the development of a niche training program. I've held two Kick-Off sessions of the Challenge Me to Grow Blended Learning Experience. The pilot of Challenge Me to Grow actually starts in a couple of weeks. There are about 10 women ready to go. The website is in the works and there are some other goodies in development that make me way too excited.

While all of this is happening, I can't help but notice the women who I am encountering on a regular. They are really my inspiration. Observing and listening to them, gives me a reason to do what I do. Some are ready to go. There are others whose pilot lights are just being ignited. While others are already taking action.  They are determined, energetic, and motivated. They want to be a blessing to others. They want to leave behind a legacy that their children can be proud of. They are gonegirlgo personified. 

These next series of posts will feature women who are living the gonegirlgo life. I believe that the power of their stories will definitely encourage others to push forward and go. 

Meet Ra'Nesha Wilson, a University of Akron graduate who has her own consulting firm, The Springer Group, LLC. At some point in her life she wanted to make a change and do something different. She wanted to push forward her idea so that she could go impact the world. This is her story.

Zoe: What idea popped into your head?

I am free-spirited. I believe that
 nothing in life is hard when you live life
to the fullest and end everyday with a
smile despite circumstance. I believe it is
important to pray first than take action.
Ra'Nesha Wilson
Ra’Nesha: It was time for me to invest more into the community. I was not placed on this earth to be selfish and be all about me. I became involved in an annual community action project of Dress for Success Cleveland called the Prom Project “Once in a Lifetime”. The goal of the project is to give two deserving female high school students the most memorable prom regardless of their families’ financial hardships. We secured donations from successful entrepreneurs in the Cleveland area including, gift cards, spa gift baskets filled with tons of goodies and surprises, hair and nails done by Anntwinette as Salon Productions, a senior photo shoot by Joseph White of Studio J. Photography, Box Bag Purses donated by Michelle Crawford, Mary Kay lip gloss and fragrances donated by Clotea Mack, strawberries donated by Ronnie, the owner of The Pink Strawberry, and a full facial makeover with Shannon Hamilton of Mary Kay. In addition, each young woman will be presented with a check to purchase their prom dress and other accessories.

Zoe: What were some of the questions that you asked yourself that helped you dig a little deeper to explore the possibilities of your idea? 

The Five Essential Actions of
Challenge Me to Grow
Ra’Nesha: What is the need? How can I be an asset to others? Would I rather be part of the solution or the person who only complains without action? I remain focused and motivated by realizing that some things are bigger than me and it is not always about me. It is about the person whose life I can change by giving a small token of my time.

Zoe: What process did you use to map it out and get yourself organized?

Ra’Nesha: I created a vision board because it is a simple yet powerful visualization tool that activates the universal law of attraction to begin manifesting your dreams into reality.

Zoe: Who did you share your idea with?

Ra’Nesha: I shared my idea with Joandra Wilson (sister), Lauren Miller (mentor), Jeffrey Springer (boyfriend), Marlin Martin (friend), Howard Payton (family member/mentor), Carmen Hawkins (past delegate of Dress for Success). They supported me in various ways by helping me clearly define my vision and providing monetary support. 

I pray that my idea will have a positive impact and motivate others to give. I must say the ability to assist someone in need is truly a blessing and very fulfilling to me. So far I have received many calls from people I don’t know thanking me and letting me know they are praying for me.

Zoe: What does executing your idea feel like?

Ra’Nesha: Unbelievable. I am so graciously thankful.

If you are interested in donating to the Prom Project, click this link Click the PayPal link and make sure to type “CAP” as the Purpose so that your contribution is applied to the Prom Project.

See. There's no reason to be fearful about that idea that popped into your head. Your idea contributes to the greater good and it inspires someone else. Live the gonegirlgo life. Push forward and go.



  1. Love it!!!!! Ra'Nesha is my community outreach advisor!!! Gotta love her!!!
    Thanks for the shout out!!

    1. Congrats Ra'Nesha this is wonderful!!!! You definitely have my support!

  2. Great work Re'Nesha!!! You have definitely been an inspiration for me! Your blankets for the homeless project was a great teachable moment for my children. Gonegirlgo!! Thank you!

  3. Absolutely Powerful Ra'Nesha, taking ACTION on your idea!! Thank you for sharing.
